Advanced Art Levels Daily Log Assignments

Advanced Art Levels include Art 3, Art 3 Honors, Art 4 & Art 4 Honors, Proficient and Advanced Arts                                         


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Fall Semester Begins Aug 26, 2014



Finish Cafeteria project- picture framing and hanging

Bulletin Board for Student Council

Public chalkboard interaction- three questions people can answer, manned by artist in costume getting feedback- during lunch period

Courtyard chalk drawing- cooler weather

Create Art avenue between 1st and Art Building....

Murals at Middle School- interview with principal and lead teacher at middle school, materials cost est., funding source?

3 ceiling tiles in school



Spring Semester Begins 1-3-2013




Week of 1-3-13 & 1-4-13

Our class will start with a project that makes a statement:

Project 1: Seven Deadly Sins 1-3-13 to 1-22-13 (Critique and Pizza Lunch (Gluttony) as the cap to this project)

Project 2: Open Expression Statement

Project 3: Printmaking

Project 4: Print Series Matted

Project 5: People Drawing

Project 6: Self Portrait

Project 7: Clay joining project

Project 8: Ceramic Quilt

Project 9: Greenman


Second Quarter




Spring Semester Begins 2012


WEEK January 25-February 15, 2012

We begin clay with an assignment for the Greenman. Greenman, tree spirits and gargoyles are closely associated and can be seen all over the world. Take sue of the neat documents developed below that show you works as well as exact process for their creation.


Art 4 Honors: Architecture Project Ceramics Honors.doc


Greenmen Overview -Honors.doc


Greenman, Tree Spirits, & Gargoyles.ppt



Week January 5- 13, 2012

Vocabulary Project- 200 words (don't whine!)- Visual Arts 3, 4 and Honors Vocabulary Spring 2012.doc


Self Portrait Project- Higher level art.docx


Printmaking Project Overview Advanced Visual Art (Art 4 Honors): PRINTMAKING ASSIGNMENTS- Advanced Art Honors -Art 4 Honors.doc

Ceramics: Decorative and Functional Ceramics Project.docx

Ideas: Decorative and Functional Ceramics Examples.docx

Study Guide: Clay Vocabulary Study Guide- b.doc


Honors Art History Project: Art History Weekly Sketchbook Research Topic List- MASTER LIST Spring 2012.doc

Proficient Visual Arts Honots Syllabus and Contract (Art 3 Honors):  

Adavanced Visual Arts Honors Syllabus and Contract (Art 4 Honors): Advanced Art Honors Syllabus- JTG- 2012- Art 4H.doc



Fall Semester Begins 2011

Art 3


WEEKS November 10- December 12

Ceramics work. Greenman development. Research, texture, form and work to create nature in a clay project.

Greenman, Tree Spirits, & Gargoyles.ppt

Ceramic Greenmen Overview 2009.doc



WEEKS October 17- November 10

Printmaking is our order of the day. Arts 2 and 3 will engage in a process of Printmaking. Although the assignment sheet is the same, the Art 3 students are held to a higher quality and depth of image.  Printmaking assignment: PRINTMAKING ASSIGNMENTS- Art 2-4H(1).doc

We will work toward ending this project by November 10. This is a very involved process and Art 3 students excell in areas of development and creativity due to advanced understanding although the process and parameters are the same as an Art 2. More advanced concepts are mastered in this course.



Weeks September 27-October 12

Creating a Self Portrait as a mid-term. Also drawing several of the facila features from natural poses. Students will start by watching people, then will move on to a gird for a self portrait.

Self Portrait Project Art 3.docx



Albrecht Durer, self portrait, 1494- age 13!


Week September 19-23, 2011

We start a study in drawing the human body facila parts. This is a set up for a self portrait design picture.



Week September 1-15, 2011

Draw and paint a shoe picture in the style of a famous artist. Do a short report on the artist and imulate his/her style of artwork.




Week August 22-26

After our introductory painting project in bones and grapes, to master we will now take on the almighty shoe! Painting ones personal property is a high compliment to the object and makes you see things that others only dream of understanding. The shoe project has many levels.

Art 3 Shoe Project.doc  


Week of August 16-19, 2011

Here is the Art 3 Syllabus, contract and supply list: ART III Syllabus- JTG- 09.doc

Art 3 Vocabulary List will begin once all students have a computer: Visual Arts 3 Vocabulary.doc


Art 3 -class begins with a paint mixing exercise in which everyone is asked to mix the 12 basic colors of the color wheel. Students, once proficient at that process are then asked to focus on a flower and it's monochromatic elements and to proceed to paint this flower as they see it in only one color or it's color dirivitives. Tint and shade become vital to texture and light shadow development with the work. A single flower on a page. Sounds simple... proves to be a challenge of Art 3's whole world, the struggle to create what you want from what you see (even if what you see is in your head versus the physical tangible object that others can view).




WEEK April 4-8

Printmaking Project Overview: PRINTMAKING ASSIGNMENTS- Art 2-4H.doc

Ceramics: Decorative and Functional Ceramics Project.docx

Ideas: Decorative and Functional Ceramics Examples.docx

Study Guide: Clay Vocabulary Study Guide- b.doc


WEEK March 7- March 17

We continue to work!

March 15th- Why is it important? : The Ides of March.docx


WEEK February 22-March 4

Much sickness has been experienced during this period of time. Students are beginning to return to school and finalize missed and late projects. Progress reports were to go out during this time, however with the poor attendance and straggling assignments those have been postponed in this class until March 1-4.  Our units will be complete the this week and all grading should be on target for this week giving a better view of student progress at this time.


WEEK February 14-18

Our week dawns with the celebration of Valentines Day. Polynomials seem to have temproarily replaced the insanity of painting. Not sure which will prove to be more mind numbing. I feel sure the Art 4's will develop a desire to finish what they started. Art 3's enjoyed a critique on Friday and will start a new project this week.

Art 3 Portrait Work: Self Portrait Project Art 3.docx

Art 4 Polynomial Construction


Saint Valentine

Saint Valentine was a catholic priest who got caught marrying people, so the story goes. He was thrown into jail and tried to show the Roman emperor Claudius II the ways of the Lord. In response he had his head chopped off on February 14th in 269 AD. He’s considered a martyr.  

He is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travelers, and young people. He is often pictured with birds and roses.


WEEK February 7-11

Classes are continuing to develop as we go. Work on the "7 sins" are coming along well as several students are beginning to finish their thoughts on the works. Art 4 students are developing very nice work, it is time to see more teaching and exchange of ideas. We will do a mid-project review, mid-project reflection and peer critique. Students will be better able to take suggestions from each other and offer helpful suggestions as the grow. Teamwork becomes helpful in this stage. It's not all about the team, but the thoughts of others can give assistance to those stuck in thought and freedom to those who know exactly what they want, but can't seem to put it to production.  I would describe this as a work week.


WEEK January 31- February 4

Art 3- We finalize the flower as much as possible. The use of color to divide shape and texture proved to be a feat to master for everyone- including teacher! But we attempted it, and that is half the battle. Moving on to monochromatic value scales the class created a scale showing 10 tints and 10 shades of a single color, each in primary tube color. The work takes much effort to divide the scale in 10 distint sections and yellow begins to look green (the black in tempra has a tone of blue- so it simply has a feel of green as one develops a deeper shade). 

The discussion opened toward the desire to paint abstractly. Abstract art being it's own movement of the 20th century and haveing principals and parameters that drive it's force the group found it to be an odd specific that mostly gets used for a broad range of artistic sins. Yes, sins of the uninspired or oddly shaped item where the artist must not be focused- so it's classified abstract to avoid the real need to fix or master the work as originally desired. Abstract has been used as a cop out for doing more engaging works- feed by the publics lack of understanding for the abstract form. We defined the movement, we discussed the movements parameters and neuances. Then in a moment of brilliance the students decided upon a muse for the creation of 7 different works in abstract art: The 7 deadly sins. Each chose a sin to portray in abstract form- texture, movement, color, value, proportion, line, rhythm, pattern are just a few ideas that the elements and principals of art to be incorporated into the works.


Art 4- The work becomes involved as paper is cut to size, grids are formed and the actual images are made concrete. The work has begun and the work to date is slow. I will soon need to set an unrealistic deadline to move this beast toward completion.  Our discussions are becoming more involved, as the individual artist begins to evolve. Independance is longing to show, but for now the need to be taught is still promimal.  Research and development are required this week.


WEEK January 25-28

Art 3 -class begins with a paint mixing exercise in which everyone is asked to mix the 12 basic colors of the color wheel. Students, once proficient at that process are then asked to focus on a flower and it's monochromatic elements and to proceed to paint this flower as they see it in only one color or it's color dirivitives. Tint and shade become vital to texture and light shadow development with the work. A single flower on a page. Sounds simple... proves to be a challenge of Art 3's whole world, the struggle to create what you want from what you see (even if what you see is in your head versus the physical tangible object that others can view).


Art 4- class begins with a discussion of what one considers themselves to be good in, or has accomplished well enough to teach another the skill. Those skills are then honed as a group discussion and once two elements of art are narrowed, these are divided between the learner and the willing and they teach each other what they know. This group starts with acryllic painting methods, then will move into graphite pencil drawing. Perhaps one's hardest challenge is to teach another an artistic principal or technique to mastery.


My name is Travis Gentry and it is quite an honor to return to my home school to teach you art. This week will focus us on the rules, procedures and working environment of the Art Room. We will focus on getting to know one another better and how the projects will preceed for the semester. The Art Department has a contract between the three of us, you, your parents and myself that must be completed and returned. I also have a supplies list of items you will need for this class.


Spring Semester Begins January 25, 2011- My birthday! 






Spring Semester 2010- WCHS 

Remember Exams are a combination of the 1st and 2nd Quarter Summary Review Tests: 1st Quarter was Vocabulary Test. 2nd Quarter is Self Portrait.

2nd Quarter Summary Review Test: Self Portrait Project- Higher level art.docx



Face Molds:


Clay 4- Radial Symmetry Rattle.doc 

Clay Vocabulary Study Guide.doc

Ceramic Greenmen Overview 2009.doc